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Eyedaptic has developed an AR (augmented reality) vision assistance device for Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) patients. Most vision assistance products on the market today only offer magnification, leaving the limited field of view unaddressed.
Eyedaptic uses simulated natural vision software in their EYE2 to optimize peripheral vision, enabling viewing of the entire field of view (FOV) through reprojection of the content of the center of a user’s natural FOV into their peripheral vision. EYE2 is a non-invasive visual assistive AR-based smart eyewear device in the form-factor of a pair of glasses, customizable and adaptive to a user’s vision automatically through their proprietary software.
EYE2 allows users to regain freedom, move about easily without restrictions as a hands-free, easy-to-wear design, providing an improved quality of life.