Welcome to the NuFund Education Series Archive

PLEASE NOTE: the password for videos is based on the year. It is currently nufund2023. March 22, 2022-forward is nufund2022. For earlier videos in 2022, the password is tcasd2022. For videos from 2021 it is tcasd2021, 2020 is tcasd2020, and 2019 is tcasd2019.

The latest Membership Quick Start Guide can be downloaded HERE.

The latest calendar PDF can be downloaded HERE with instructions to add to your calender HERE.

May 30th, 2024 – Watch Video: Women Founders and Funders Lunch and Learn 

As part of our ongoing 2024 GMM panel series (Biofreeze, PE vs. VC,  etc.), NuFund organized a panel with Women Founders & Funders moderated by NuFund board member, Victoria Lakers, with speakers Kate Dilligan (Cooler Heads), Leena Gupta (NuFund), Lauren Fitzpatrick-Shanks (KeepWOL), Andrea Ashford-Hicks (Cayuga Bio) and Iva Toudjarska (Launchpad Venture Group) discussing their company-building and fundraising experiences.

March 28, 2024 – Watch Video: Angel Capital vs. Private Equity Panel: A Collaborative Future at the Crossroads?

NuFund President Serhat Pala moderates a panel of stakeholders discussing fundamental differences and similarities between angel investing, VC and PE, highlighting synergies and challenges and sharing insights on how individuals with specialized expertise can get involved with PE firms including roles like advisors, board members or operational experts.

October 10th, 2023 – Watch Video: NuFund Board Elections 2023

An overview and explanation of the NuFund Board Elections process and an introduction to new Board President-Elect Serhat Pala.

Download slides here.

June 29th, 2023 – Watch Video: The Anatomy of a Venture Accelerator and Launch of Techstars San Diego Powered by SDSU

Misti Cain from Techstars and Cathy Pucher from SDSU/NuFund shared an overview of the venture accelerator model and opportunity for NuFund members to get involved in the inaugural Techstars San Diego powered by SDSU program kicking off with the new Mission Valley Innovation District.

Contact Cathy (cpucher@sdsu.edu) if you would like to RSVP for the Techstars San Diego Demo Day on 12/7 and submit the Mentor Interest Form HERE to participate in the Techstars by SDSU mentorship AMA in mid-July.

Download slides here.

May 25th, 2023 – Watch Video: An Introduction to NavalX and Establishment of a SoCal Tech Bridge/Innovation Center by Ellen Chang

NuFund member Ellen Chang and colleagues from the NavalX innovation program will share a primer of the organization’s mission including opportunities for startups and partnership with the SD ecosystem.

April 27, 2023 – Watch Video: The Rise of Generative AI and Why Investors Need to Care by Jean-Baptiste Passot

NuFund member Jean-Baptiste Passot gives an extensive overview of how the rapidly evolving field of Generative AI (Chat-GPT and similar models) will revolutionize the startup ecosystem, changing the value propositions of many companies in the coming years. What do investors need to consider now that the unprecedented scale of AI’s impact on the development of startups in the very near future is becoming apparent?

Download Slides

Folder HERE with a set of AI primer documents curated ny NuFund members, Pankaj Kedia & Serhat Pala

March 30, 2023 – Watch Video: Data Driven Insights on Becoming a More Successful Angel Investor with John Harbison, TCA Chairman Emeritus

This session provides data driven insights on the myths and realities of angel investing. In the past several years, leading angel groups across the country have tackled various “hypotheses” about what makes for a good angel investment philosophy. In some cases, we now have data and analysis that confirms what has been conventional wisdom, and in others the findings are contrary to that conventional wisdom. What is a myth and what is a reality? Join John Harbison (NuFund member, TCA Chairman Emeritus, and ACA Board Member) for this educational session to find out.

Download Slides

January 26th, 2023 – Watch Video: How the Venture Correction Creates Great Expectations for Seed Stage (password: nufund2023)

Venture Capital Market Trends educational presentation by Dr. Bronwyn Bailey, Managing Director, First Republic Bank.

Sign up for Bronwyn’s free VC/PE newsletter HERE.

Download Slides

December 8th, 2022 – Watch Video: NuFund Membership Engagement with NuFund Vice President Sonia Steinway

Sonia Steinway, NuFund Vice President of the Board, will present a report on NuFund’s Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) analysis and new membership initiatives designed to increase engagement in 2023 and beyond.

November 17, 2022 – Watch Video: Structuring Investments in Startups with Amit Singh of Dentons

Amit Singh, Partner at Denton’s law firm, gave an overview on the difference between Preferred and Common stock shares and implications of various investment structures.

Download Slides

October 28th, 2022 – Watch Video: Ignition Fund SpaceTech Investing

Ellen Chang from NuFund/co-founder of Ignition Fund and Ivan Shyr, co-founder of Ignition Fund, shares strategies, resources and predictions for investing in space technologies.

Download Slides

June 6, 2022 – Watch Video: ERTC and R&D Tax Credit Seminar with Moss Adams

With the numerous amendments to the Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC) since the pandemic began, it can be difficult to determine a company’s eligibility status. In today’s economic climate, startups can’t afford to pass up on opportunities for extra funds or have their plan disrupted by turnover. Learn how your start-up life science or technology company may qualify for the ERTC, as well as other potential R&D tax savings strategies that can increase your cash flow.

Presented by Adam Fleck and Gabriel Sermeno of Moss Adams, this webcast will help clarify what it means to apply for the credit and how you can use it to retain employees and keep your business moving forward!

June 1, 2022 – Watch Video: NuFund 22 Orientation

Board strategy meeting discussing Annual Fund developments and proposed changes for NuFund 22, launching this spring.

The Power Hour on 6/1 was an orientation to the Annual Fund including changes for NuFund 22.

May 26, 2022 – Watch Video: NuFund 22 Overview 

An overview of NuFund 22 from May’s GMM. See the June 1st orientation for most recent information.

April 12, 2022 – Watch Video: NuFund Strategy Session

Board strategy meeting discussing Annual Fund developments and proposed changes for NuFund 22, launching this spring.

Download Slides

April 6, 2022 – Watch Video: Cryptocurrency, NFTs, and Tax Implications 101 with Michael Kimball

An introduction to cryptocurrency, NFTs, blockchain technology, and how the IRS is addressing the tax implications of these investments and transactions.

March 24, 2022 – Watch Video: How to Evaluate Pre-Seed Companies with Jeff Pomeranz, Managing Director of Right Side Capital Management

Pre-seed portfolio construction and diligence with Jeff Pomeranz and Dave Lambert, Managing Directors at Right Side Capital Management.

February 22, 2022 – Watch Video: Launchpad Showcase

A showcase of startups from SDSU’s Launchpad program.

February 8, 2022 – Watch Video: TCA-SD Strategy Meeting

Discussion of our strategic re-positioning and re-branding.

Download Slides:

Positioning Platform

Positioning Project

February 8, 2022 – Watch Video: TCA-SD Wine Tasting Social with Jason Berry of Amitié Wines and Clark Evans, Sommelier

Replay of our wine tasting session. Use code TECH at Amitié Wines for a 10% discount and free shipping.

Download flier with recommended pairings.

December 9th, 2021 – Watch Video: Fintech Market Trends and Opportunities for Investors

TCA-SD members Sonia Steinway & Michael Wilson, with Derek Colla of Cooley, discuss trends in the Fintech market that indicate opportunities for angel investors.

Download Slides:

Sonia and Michael’s Presentation

Derek’s Presentation

December 1st, 2021 – Watch Video: TCA-SD Town Hall

A strategy meeting to discuss the rebranding of TCA-SD.

Download 2016 SWOT

Watch Assure CEO Podcast on the Future of Angel Groups with Ashok Kamal

November 18th, 2021 – Watch Video: Opportunities for Investment in Femtech and FemAging

An introduction to the rapidly-growing Femtech space by the FemAging Project, focusing on the unique health and wellness needs of women ages 40 and over and the opportunities available to early investors into this market.

Download Slides

November 17th, 2021 – Watch Video: TCA Portfolio Company Updates

Deal updates from three TCA portfolio companies:

Abintus Bio

Cooler Heads


November 10th, 2021 – Watch Video: Power Hour Company Showcase with UCSD’s The Basement Incubator

A selection of companies from UCSD’s The Basement incubator pitch their companies to TCA membership.

October 21th, 2021 – Watch Video: Preparing Companies for M&A Transactions (And Investor Exits) with Mike Kimball, Esq., Law Office of Michael Kimball & TCA – SD

Mike has been practicing law in the Silicon Valley arena for over 25 years; half at companies such as Commerce One, Yahoo!, Salesforce and Krux Digital (where he was the Chief Legal Officer), and the later half in his own practice.

His practice consists of corporate work (formations, financings & M&A transactions) and commercial transactions between tech companies, as well as business succession planning and estate planning for select clients.

Prior to his legal career, Mike served as an Officer on a nuclear submarine here in San Diego.

Download Slides

October 12th, 2021 – Watch Video: TCA-SD Virtual Cheese and Wine Tasting Party

A curated tasting with an expert cheesemonger from Venissimo Cheese
paired with a selection by Amitié Wines

Download Flyer

October 1st, 2021 – Watch Video: Angel Investing with #TCAToday

This annual Angel Investing seminar for members-only has been rebooted with updated content, statistics and new speakers. However, the primary audience is new-ish TCA members and angel investors seeking orientation to the group and the asset class. The first section will focus on general angel investing themes. We focus on how TCA-SD works in the second section, and conclude with an expert panel of attorneys discussing deal structure.

Introduction to Angel Investing including groups, syndicates, performance, evaluating opportunities and valuation methodology, and Post-Investment including board management, reporting, exits and case studies (download slides)

An orientation to TCA-SD, including screening, due diligence, closing deals and Annual Funds

Deal Structure panel w/ Coeptus Law, Cooley and Dentons:

September 29th, 2021 – Watch Video: BioLabs Company Showcase

BioLabs LA’s company showcase featuring four of their most promising startups.

Download Slides:

September 23rd, 2021 – Watch Video: How to Pick a Winning Horse (in Startup Investment)

Rob Neville of Springbok Ventures & Former CEO of Savara Pharmaceuticals provides perspective and advice on startup investing, including a discussion on why startups fail and commentary on conventional angel investing wisdom.

Download Slides

July 28th, 2021 – Watch Video: REC Startup Workshop

The TCA-SD REC Innovation LAB Startup Showcase gives four student startups the opportunity to pitch in front of TCA membership.

July 7th, 2021 – Watch Video: Angel Investing Q&A with Amit Singh and Timothy Santoli of Dentons

Amit Singh and Timothy Santoli answer tax questions from TCA members.

Tech Coast Angels “Lost Causes” Fund: Rid yourself of zombie company shares

June 30th, 2021 – Watch Video: ACE Fund 22  Overview and ACE Fund 21 Annual Report

TCA-SD Executive Director Ashok Kamal and Board President Emeritus Dean Rosenberg discuss the changes implemented in this year’s ACE 22 Fund, and Dean gives a rundown of the ACE 21 Annual Report.

Download: ACE 22 Fund Overview

ACE 21 Annual Report

June 17th, 2021 – Watch Video: TCA 2020 Annual Report and Angel Analytics with John Harbison

An educational presentation of the TCA 2020 Annual Report and Angel Analytics by John Harbison, TCA Board of Governors Chairman Emeritus

Download: 2020 Annual Report

June 16th, 2021 – Watch Video: Power Hour – Biden’s Tax Plans and Implications for Venture Capital with Andrew Yacoub of Moss Adams

This week’s Power Hour features a presentation by Andrew Yacoub of Moss Adams on the potential investor implications of President Biden’s tax plan.

Download: Presentation Slides

June 8th, 2021 – Watch Video: TCA Sushi Rolling Class

A sushi rolling course with Chef Jenn Felmley, catered by Emjaye Inspired

Download: Ingredients and Instructions

May 26th, 2021 – Watch Video: San Diego Angel Conference Showcase

This week’s Power Hour features a showcase of presentations from 3 of the most interesting companies from the 2021 San Diego Angel Conference (SDAC): CommSafe AI, Advocat Technologies, and Fluid Power AI.

Download: Advocat Slides

May 20th, 2021 – Watch Video: Blockchain 101 with Jonah Peake of Startup San Diego

Startup San Diego’s Jonah Peake gives an overview of how blockchain technology actually works and novel blockchain applications that go beyond Bitcoin.

Download: Slides

May 5th, 2021 – Watch Video: Unicorn Hunting in the Wild with Michael Weisman

TCA Member Michael Weisman recently had one of his portfolio companies become a coveted Unicorn ($1B+ valued company). Hear the story of how Mike discovered and invested in the seed round and his experiences Unicorn Hunting in the Wild.

Download: Slides

April 23rd, 2021 – Watch Video: Tax Issues in Angel Investing with Amit Singh and Timothy Santoli of Dentons

Amit Singh and Timothy Santoli of Dentons provide an overview of several areas of tax law of interest to angel investors, including:

Federal Tax Incentives for Angel Investors

  • IRC§1202 – Qualified Small Business Stock (QSBS) Gain Exclusion
  • IRC§1045 – Tax Deferred QSBS Gain Rollover
  • IRC§1244 – Ordinary Loss Treatment of QSBS Losses

Typical Investment Structures for Angel Investments

  • Stock (Typically Preferred Stock)
  • Convertible Notes (with or without Warrants)
  • Simple Agreements for Future Equity (SAFEs)

Download Slides 

April 13th, 2021 – Watch Video: TCA Cocktail Hour with Chef Jenn Felmley

Chef Jenn Felmley leads us in preparing two cocktails –  Pomegranate Orange Blossom and Fizz Cucumber Lime Spritzer.

Download Ingredients and Instructions

Links mentioned in the video:

April 7th, 2021 – Watch Video: Cap Table Management & Tools with Carta

Kelley Bontemps of Carta presents a primer on cap tables – why they’re important for all stages of startups, how investors look at cap tables, how to tell a “good” cap table from a “bad” one – and gives a rundown on tools available to help manage them from Carta, the industry leader in cap table management software.

Download Slides

More  Carta Resources:

March 24th, 2021 – Watch Video: CONNECT Pre-Seed Cool Company Showcase

Our second CONNECT Cool Company Showcase, this time focused on pre-seed deals (by popular demand).

See quick pitches from four pre-seed Cool Companies from San Diego: Believe Health, Biocanic, esguard.io, and Savviest. Follow the new #Pre-SeedInterestGroup Flock channel for more discussion and opportunities.

Download Decks:

March 18th, 2021 – Watch Video: Emerging University Entrepreneurship Programs with Ray Freiwirth 

Speakers from San Diego Imperial County Community Colleges, SDSU Lavin Center and San Diego Miramar College discuss opportunities to work with students, including mentoring and funding small-scale pre-seed deals originating from entrepreneurship programs at these schools. We’ll be launching a Flock channel to present these opportunities to members soon.

March 3rd, 2021 – Watch Video: Deal Structure 201: SAFEs, Notes, and Series Seed with Brian Dirkmaat of Coeptus Law

Brian Dirkmaat of Coeptus Law and TCA’s Dean Rosenberg covering everything you need to know about SAFEs, Notes & Series Seed deal structure.

Download Slides

February 18th, 2021 – Watch Video: A Framework for Investing in Pre-Seed Deals with Neal Bloom

Neal Bloom (Fresh Brewed Tech/Startup Ecosystem Maven/TCA Member) provides best practices for sourcing, evaluating, and funding pre-seed deals.

Download SDVP company scorecard

February 9th, 2021 – Watch Video: TCA Virtual Dinner Party Featuring Natasha Feldman

TCA’s second Virtual Dinner Party featuring Natasha Feldman from Nosh with Tosh. Apple Cider Pork Chops (or Beyond Veggie Bratwurst) with Crispy Potatos and Bistro Salad

Download slides: Recipe Cards

Pork Chops/Bratwurst Recipe w/links to preferred cooking tools

Nosh with Tosh: Website, Instagram, YouTube

February 9th, 2021 – Watch Video: Pre-Seed Deal Flow and Financing

TCA Strategy Meeting excerpt.

Download slides: Pre-Seed Deals Deck

February 3rd, 2021 – Watch Video: Options Trading 101

TCA’s own Agustin Lebron and Dean Rosenberg provide an introduction to Options Trading.

Download slides: Cheat Sheet

January 21st, 2021 – Watch Video: How To Evaluate Founding Teams

An educational presentation from co-founder of People Collective and former VP HR at Instacart, Guissu Baier, on creating a research-backed framework for Evaluating Founding Teams.

Download slides: Slide Presentation

December 9th – Illumina Accelerator Showcase

Three of the top alumni companies from Illumina’s Accelerator present their 10-minute pitches:


BioAmp Diagnostics



Download slides:

BioAmp Diagnostics



December 2nd – Watch Video: Power Hour with TCA Entrepreneurs Turned Angels – Exit Success Stories

TCA members Nii Ahene, Al Bsharah, Alessandra Lezama, Dean Rosenberg, Tim Rout and Mike Wilson share their experiences successfully selling their startups and becoming angel investors.

December 1st – Watch Video: Angel & Accelerator Funding for University Startups

TCA Executive Director Ashok Kamal joins Osage Univeristy Partners and SOSV/IndieBio for a webinar discussing models, structures, and best practices in raising pre-seed and seed funding for university startup companies from angels and accelerators. A panel of experts will review their own models, which are distinct from each other in both the areas in which they invest as well as the additional value they provide. Other topics covered include raising pre-seed and seed amounts, timing and structures for the raises, how to meet with these types of investors, the roles potentially played by these investors with the startups, and much more.

Download slides: Angel & Accelerator Funding for University Startups

November 19th – Watch Video: Everything You Wanted to Know About My Portfolio (But Were Afraid to Ask) with Amy Chang

TCA Member Amy Chang discusses her experience as an Angel Investor, cataloging the mistakes, missteps, and successes she’s experienced as well as the fun she’s had along the way.

November 18th – Watch Video: Stock Options and Other Equity Compensation with Cooley

Megan Arthur Schilling and Kristin O’Hanlon of Cooley provide a board-level presentation on how equity compensation can be a critical component to a startup company’s ability to attract, retain and incentivize key talent.

Download slides: Stock Options and Other Equity Compensation

November 4th – Watch Video: Preparing Companies for M&A and Exits with Objective Capital Partners

Jack Florio and Channing Hamlet of Objective Capital Partners share a playbook for helping your investments achieve liquidity and increasing your ROI

Download slides: Preparing Companies for M&A and Exits

October 28, 2020 – Watch Video: SPACs – A Primer with Allison Handy of Perkins Coie

What the SPAC!? Learn about the latest IPO-alternative for companies to go public and generate liqudity. The presentation will be led by Allison Handy of Perkins Coie’s SPAC group based in Seattle.

Download slides: SPACs – A Primer

October 21, 2020 – Watch Video: Power Hour with CONNECT: Cool Company Showcase

Presentations from five of CONNECT’s Cool Companies: LeoLens, Daasity, Xilo, Circumvent, Shadowbox.

Download decks:




Circumvent Bio


October 14, 2020 – Watch Video: Power Hour with Jeremy Nielsen, CEO of Assure, on Pro-Rata Rights

Power Hour talking Pro Rata Rights (what are they, why are they super important, how to get them) with the CEO of Assure,  our ACE 21 Fund manager and the leading back-end software platform for managing funds.

Download Slides

October 13, 2020 – Watch Video: October TCA Dinner – Nosh with Tash

TCA’s first virtual group dinner featuring guest chef Natasha Feldman providing a live cooking class.

Complete Recipe and Instructions: https://nufund.com/nosh-with-tash-tca-dinner-recipe/

Natasha’s web series: Nosh with Tash

October 7, 2020 – Watch Video: Power Hour with TCA Chairman Emeritus Dave Berkus

TCA Chairman Emeritus Dave Berkus and Dean, sharing Portfolio War Stories: Lessons Learned from a General, discussing the wins and losses over an epic career in angel investing.

Dave’s books on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Berkonomics-Dave-Berkus/dp/0557143276

Berkonomics blog: https://berkonomics.com

September 30, 2020 – Watch Video: Jonathan Miles of Ascent Private Capital Management on Best Practices for the Modern Family Office

Ascent Private Capital Management’s Jonathan Miles leads a panel on Modern Family Office best practices, with TCA President Caitlin Wege and TCA Member Nidhi Tanti

Download Slides: The Family Office Enterprise

September 23, 2020 – Watch Video: Public Relations – Best Practices for Startups with John McCartney of JMAC PR

Tech publicist John McCartney of JMAC PR discusses best practices for startups

Download Slides: Best Public Relations Practices for Startups

JMAC’s Recommended PR Tech Tools:


Critical Mention

Help A Reporter

September 17, 2020 – Watch Video: VC & PE Trends and Insights with Bronwyn Bailey and Samir Kaji of First Republic Bank

Bronwyn Bailey and Samir Kaji of First Republic Bank discuss trends and insights in the VC and Private Equity sectors.

Download Slides: Private Equity Today, Supplemental Slides

September 16, 2020 – Watch Video: TCA Power Hour with Kim Folsom of Founders First

Kim Folsom, CEO of Founders First Capital Partners, explains what “Zebra” companies are, and discusses alternative funding strategies for growing startups.

Read more about on Kim and her $100M fund in this TechCrunch article.

September 9, 2020 – Watch Video: TCA Power Hour with Michael Umansky and Jason Jones of Sheppard Mullin

Michael Umansky and Jason Jones from Sheppard Mullin provide an “Introduction to Cap Tables,” one of the key – and most misunderstood – due diligence considerations for any investment. Follow along referencing the attached deck and worksheet (but the lawyers will do the math for you this time!).

Cap Table Basics Presentation

Cap Table Demo Spreadsheet

September 2, 2020 – Watch Video: TCA Power Hour with Brad Chisum of Launch Factory

TCA-SD member and founder of Launch Factory, Brad Chisum, will share the story of how he sold his last startup, Lumedyne, to Google, and his lessons on an exit that can be instructive to all angel investors.

Download: Lumedyne’s Story

Launch Factory

August 19, 2020 – Watch Video: TCA ACE Fund 21 Orientation Session 2

An introduction to this year’s ACE Fund 21, covering changes to fund operation, a guide for new investors, and answers to member questions. (Same concept as August 6th Power Hour if you missed the first one)

Download: ACE 21 Annual Fund Overview Deck

August 12, 2020 – Power Hour with Bill Leversee and Mike Tanghe of Falcon West Insurance Brokers

A Q&A with TCA sponsors Bill Leversee and Mike Tanghe, covering member questions about aspects of insurance coverage, including D&O, Homeowner, Commercial, Personal Liability, deductibles, and rising premiums.

Download: Slides

August 6, 2020 – Watch Video: TCA ACE Fund 21 Orientation

An introduction to this year’s ACE Fund 21, covering changes to fund operation, a guide for new investors, and answers to member questions.

Download: ACE 21 Annual Fund Overview Deck

August 5, 2020 – Watch Video: A Few of My Favorite Trades – Power Hour with Agustin Lebron

TCA Member and former trader Agustin Lebron discussing quant finance, trading strategies, and public market analytics.

Download Slides

Agustin’s book recommendations:


July 29, 2020 – Watch Video: The Enlightened Angel: Inclusive Investing and Management in Tech with Shavon Lindley

An important discussion led by Shavon Lindley, CEO of ion Learning, and Dr. Paul Minifee of SDSU, facilitating a conversation and exercise about “The Enlightened Angel: Inclusive Investing and Management in Tech,” how to help portfolio companies succeed with diverse cultures during challening times.

July 22, 2020 – Watch Video: Power Hour Live Podcast with Tacos & Tech

The Tacos & Tech podcast, hosted by TCA member, Neal Bloom, records a live episode during the TCA Power Hour with special co-host TCA-SD Executive Director Ashok Kamal and guests Rasto Ivanic of TCA portfolio company GroupSolver, TCA Member Al Bsharah, and TCA member & founder of TOOTRiS Alessandra Lezama.

July 15, 2020 – Watch Video: Power Hour with Matt Robbins & Chris Montgomery of Cooley

July 1, 2020 – Watch Video: Power Hour ACE Fund 20 Annual Report and ACE Fund 21 Discussion with Dean Rosenberg and Ashok Kamal of TCA

June 24, 2020 – Watch Video: Women In Angel Investing Panel 2020

  • TCA members Victoria Lakers, Caitlin Wege, Rose Thiessen, Amy Chang and Aniqa Hijzai highlight their journeys to become angel investors.

June 24, 2020 – Watch Video: Power Hour with Rick Timmins of the ACA

  • Summary presentation of the Angel Capital Association’s COVID-19 pandemic survey
  • Download Slides

June 19, 2020 – Watch Video: Paycheck Protection Program Q&A with Kevin Dusi and Bruce Knowlton of Moss Adams

  • Kevin Dusi and Bruce Knowlton of Moss Adams  help clarify the ramifications of the recent PPP Flexibility Act for the startup community.
  • Download Slides

June 17, 2020 – Watch Video: Power Hour with Neal Bloom and Caitlin Wege of TCA

  • Neal discusses his history with NASA launching rockets, fields technical questions about spacecraft, and discusses future investing prospects for various aspects of the space industry
  • Download Slides

June 10, 2020 – Watch Video: Power Hour with Kevin Dusi of Moss Adams and Dean Rosenberg of TCA

  • Kevin and Dean discuss investing in LLCs vs C-Corps

June 3, 2020 – Watch Video: Power Hour with Russell Hall and Clark Evans of Hall Private Wealth Investors, and Dean Rosenberg of TCA

  • Russ, Clark and Dean discuss public market equity strategies during the Covidconomy

April 23, 2020 – Watch Video: From TCA Startup to IPO: Anatomy of a Pharmaceutical Deal Preserving Founder’s Equity by Ned Israelsen of TCA

  • Ned shares the story of building Zentalis and taking it public in the first-ever Virtual IPO, resulting in a billion dollar plus valuation
  • Download Slides

The password for videos below this point is: tcasd2019

December 19, 2019 – Watch Video: Understanding QSBS Exclusion and Limitations with Kevin Dusi of Moss Adams

There are three federal tax breaks to be aware of for early stage investing (numbers refer to IRC, Internal Revenue Code, sections). As Jeff Koenig points out, state treatment varies (these breaks generally do not apply for CA state taxes). This will be a super short summary. You can Google to get all the details.

* 1202. QSBS held 5 years is exempt from capital gains (generally, the first $10m or 10x of gain only, but as the article points out, that can be gamed. the article covered “stacking” but did not cover “packing”. For more, Google: Withum stacking packing 1202). Also Biden’s Build Back Better aimed to seriously cripple 1202. We can thank Manchin for an at least temporary stay.

* 1045. What if you invest in QSBS stock but have an early exit (more than 6 months holding but less than 5 years)? You can roll those gains into new QSBS stock investment(s) within 60 days and defer the gain. Further, if the second company has an exit and the cumulative holding time (for first company plus second company) exceeds 5 years, the gain is exempt.

* 1244. If you purchase some of the first $1m of QSBS stock offered in a company and experience a loss, you can treat the loss as an ordinary loss instead of a long term capital loss. Limited to $100k per couple filing jointly per year. Excess loss can roll forward. Trusts are not eligible for this benefit.

* As an important note, while you can find a few valiant arguments to the contrary on the internet, convertible notes and SAFEs (including the new post-money SAFE) are NOT QSBS stock and don’t receive QSBS treatment. If you invest in a note/safe, hold it for x years, and then converts to equity, it can be treated as QSBS only from that conversion day forward (assuming other QSBS requirements are met).

April 18, 2019 – Watch Video: Lessons Learned in Angel Investing Panel with TCA

  • TCA members Bob Fried, Don Rady, Jeff Friedman, Melanie Spiegelman, Jay Kunin and Andy White discuss the big mistakes and bigger successes over a career of angel investing